Quick and Easy Weight Loss Tips

12 Proven Weight Loss Diet Tips Quick and Easy Diet Weight loss Tip 1 Drink plenty of water. Water is not just a way to flush out the toxins in your body, but it is an essential part of maintaining a healthy life. More than 80% of our body is made of water so replenishing water is...

Swimming Workout Tips For Weight Loss

Swimming is a great workout for losing weight. It is s definitely different from running or riding a bicycle. A swimming workout challenges you in many different ways...

10 Fast Weight Loss Tips You Need To Use!

Weight loss can be tough, but if you make a plan and stick to it, you will succeed. Check out the following ways in which you can vastly improve your eating lifestyle and take those pounds off. 1. Identify your target ...

The Best Practice for Weight Loss - "Yoga"

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3 Home Exercises for Losing Weight Fast!

Losing weight fast is not particularly easy especially when it's solely down to you alone, but there's no reason why you can't muster up that will power and perform one, if not all of the following home exercises to help you shed those fat stores faster than just your diet and/or supplement are helping. 1. Walking OK, walking might not sound...

Here are the solutions :

Recent in Recipes

The Advantages Of Using Sun Tan Lotion Brands

By Haywood Raptis

If you have not yet investigated the advantages of using Sun Tan Lotion brands you will be delighted to discover the vast array of benefits they can provide. These are one of the cheapest ways to get the exact skin tone that you have always wanted. It is also one of the safest methods for darkening the skin and will not cause premature signs of aging to develop.

People have long been aware of the dangers of lying out in the sun in order to enhance their skin color. Now, however, more individuals than ever before are being diligent in the application of sunscreen. They know that global warming and the impact that it is having on the atmosphere has resulted in less natural protection from harmful UV rays. Thus, even moderate exposure can cause skin damage if it occurs on a routine basis. This makes it impossible to safely maintain a good tan in the old-fashioned way.

Not only can UV rays cause physical harm to the body, but they can also be very detrimental to your appearance. They can give the skin a very dry and leather look, especially on the topmost layers. The results are using fine lines around the mouth and eyes, even for of aging to develop of aging to develop people who are still quite young.

Salon treatments can be very high in cost. While you can get a spray tan without causing any significant damage to the skin, the price of doing so can be overwhelming. It is also important to note that many people are not comfortable with the idea of taking their clothes off in front of a complete stranger in order to get sprayed.

When you choose to use a quality product, you do not have to worry about streaks or messes. This is a big step forward for manufacturers in this industry. There have been many reputable producers of skin car products who have introduced self-tanners but have not yet managed to perfect their formulations. You can view many online images to see how visibly displeasing the results can be.

You can get a look that is quite uneven when experimenting with different tanning products. This is due to the fact that most products are not created to reduce streaks. They can also cause the user's palms to darken during the application process which does not look natural.

Instead of spending your hard earned money on costly spray tans, it is generally much better to choose a product that you can apply on your own with remarkable benefits. You simply need to find the best one to use. This is done by looking at consumer reviews and watching advertising videos that include photos of how people looked before and after these products were used.

One of the major benefits of using Sun Tan Lotion brands are the deep, dark colors that you an get. You can deepen your skin tone very dramatically without ever leaving your home. These is no need to pay money for expensive salon treatments and you can easily maintain the look you have created. These products are ideal for people who are prone to developing sunburns or who want to protect their skin as best as possible while tanning.

About the Author:


Weight Loss Motivation: An Important Rule To Follow In Order To Stay Motivated

Weight loss motivation can be a very powerful tool for helping you stay focused and committed to your diet and exercise plan. However, motivation to stick with dieting and exercising can be compromised when one important rule is not followed. In this article today I'm going to talk about this rule and how you can avoid it.
Okay, to better explain what I'm talking about, I'm going to tell a quick fictional story about a fictional person. Let's call her Sarah.
Now, Sarah is an overweight woman who is fed up with how she looks and how she feels. She has had enough. She wants to change her body and improve her health no matter what.
So, she searches around and finds a good diet program and exercise program she feels she can stick with, and so she gets started with it.
Then, one day Sarah goes into work and her boss is throwing a party for everyone for meeting the sales quota for the month. Now it just so happens that the party... is a pizza party with lots of soda! Uh-oh!
But... Sarah refuses to give in!
The night before she prepared some grilled chicken breast, roasted red potatoes, and steamed broccoli to bring with her to work the next day for lunch.
So, while everyone is having pizza, Sarah is having her super healthy lunch with a big bottle of water followed up with a cup of green tea.
Sarah wasn't feeling down about it, nor was she bragging about how she is eating healthy while everyone else is one slice of pizza away from having a heart attack!
Then five o'clock hits and it's time for Sarah to go home.
She gets home and greets her husband and kids. She then tells her husband about her victory today with avoiding giving into eating pizza and just sticking with eating her healthy lunch. Being the supportive husband, he gives her a warming "I'm proud of you honey".
So now Sarah changes into her house clothes and goes into the kitchen to prepare dinner. Being in the spirit of healthy living, she decides to go online and check out some health videos...
She then comes across a video talking about why a particular type of diet isn't effective...
And within this video, the person talking mentions a "slap in the face" comment that goes against what Sarah just went through today...
The person in this video states that "it is socially unacceptable to be fat and unhealthy and eat like a health freak". What the BLEEP?!
So basically this person is saying that if you are out of shape, it isn't cool for you to eat healthy while everyone else isn't? It's unacceptable? Huh?
But now Sarah doesn't go with her first reaction in her gut and realises that what this person is saying is bunch of nonsense. She takes it to heart. She now feels confused and bad. She now starts saying: "maybe I should have had that pizza with my co-workers". And now begins the downward spiral of losing motivation and focus... and Sarah later ends up right back to unhealthy eating.
Sad, isn't it?
Well my friend, this is what I'm trying to make the point on: GO WITH YOUR GUT!
If you are reading or seeing some type of weight loss advice out there that just doesn't sit right with you, ignore it or investigate it further. Furthermore, if people come up with some asinine crap such as "it's socially unacceptable to be fat and unhealthy and eat like a health freak", then clearly that's someone you want to ignore by all means!
Bottom line, the Internet is a cesspool of weight loss tips and tricks, and not all of it is bad advice or hurtful recommendations. But because there is so much of it, the only defense you have to ensure that what you are feeding your brain with is good and helpful advice, is your gut instinct.
So, I hope that this story above and my weight loss motivation tip has helped you and made you realize just how important and effective natural instinct truly is!
Also, if you want to get more BOTTOM LINE tips, tricks, support, and advice, then I recommend you CLICK HERE to sign up for my free email based newsletter: The Straight To It Weight Loss newsletter!
You'll also get a complimentary copy of my new eBook: (The Top 7 Tricks To Avoid Failing Your Weight Loss Goals)
>> Click StraightToItWeightLoss.info/FreeReport to sign up for the free newsletter and to claim your free copy of my new eBook!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7521142

Weight Loss Motivation

Weight loss motivation...how many times have you been highly motivated to lose weight? Like many, many people, probably a good number of times.
Why then, do our weight loss efforts seem to always end with the same results? We seem to end up tired and hungry with minimal weight loss, even with exercise. Then, we end up poorly motivated, or worse yet, we're left with no weight loss motivation left at all.
The answer is two words - positive feedback. With it you can be unstoppable in your weight loss efforts. Without positive feedback it probably is only a matter of time before you are sapped of any motivation that you had started out with. And positive feedback means that you're getting results, good results. You're losing weight, feeling good and sticking to your plan.
So, why do we fail? One word, here...DIET! Dieting for many people means deprivation, hunger and fatigue. Keeping motivated for your exercise routines while fighting those three things after a day of work makes exercising a little tougher. This is where weight loss motivation begins to fail.
Soon you lose interest (motivation!) in exercising. You see the weight loss slowing, or even stopping, even though you are still "dieting" and still depriving your body of food. And then you figure, "Forget it...it's not doing anything. I'll get back on this stuff later." And that's it. Another round of weight loss motivation crushed and another weight loss attempt failed. Cheer up! It's very common and you're not alone!
So, how do you fix this? Well, you already know your dieting and exercise always seemed to fail after a while. So this time, change your eating habits first. Learn how to put you body into Fat Burning Mode and not Fat Storage Mode. You can do this just by changing what you eat, when you eat and how you combine foods in your meals. It works fast and it works well. It's not dieting, either...it's just changing what you eat and how you combine the foods that you eat. Once you're in Fat Burning mode you'll start seeing significant changes and the positive feedback loop will be set and you are on your way:
  • You will start losing weight, just like before. This is the early positive feedback that keeps you going. But at this early stage, it's just like every other weight loss attempt you've tried.
  • Soon, however, you lose more weight. You've now gone past that five or six pounds, so you start realizing that something is different. This re-enforces your changing eating habits. You now know that you're on to something good.
  • People start noticing your weight loss. More positive feedback and more weight loss motivation.
  • You get much more out of exercising now and you are not tired all of the time. You actually have more energy. This is almost all related to your new eating habits.
  • As time goes by, you are losing more weight. You fit into clothes sizes that you wore years ago. More positive feedback supporting your weight loss motivation. You're now even more motivated to stick to your new eating habits and learn more and more how this affects weight gain and weight loss.
  • You now start losing fat in areas of your body that you previously gave up on long ago...mainly that Tummy Fat and lower body fat. You start seeing muscles that you haven't seen for many years. Again, this all re-enforces your motivation to keep exercising and learning about proper nutrition and eating habits.
  • And still, you are not always hungry, tired and cranky! Positive feedback re-enforcing your weight loss motivation.
It's at this point that you realize things are a lot different this time. You've lost more weight than you ever have. You have lost that tummy fat and you feel great. Best of all, you don't feel like you're dieting and your weight loss motivation is just as high as it was when you first started, if not higher.
Positive feedback leads to more, sustained weight loss motivation which leads to more sustained weight loss! It all starts with proper nutrition and eating habits...period.
So for long term weight loss, you need to change your eating habits first and try to get your body into Fat Burning Mode. Learn as much as you can about proper nutrition and how what you eat affects your blood sugar and insulin levels. Learn about the glycemic index and glycemic loading...all relating to blood sugar and insulin.
This will allow you to lose a lot of weight, keep your weight loss motivation intact and in the end, improve your overall health and well-being tremendously.
Start learning about proper nutrition and proper eating habits now. Win the war on weight gain, obesity and body fat, especially that stubborn tummy fat. Put your body into Fat Burning Mode! For a great source on how to do this, see:
Burn Fat Better! [http://www.BurnFatBetter.com]
Mason Grae is a big believer in properly changing eating habits to promote weight loss, improved blood sugar control, lower blood pressure and improved overall health. Education is key, so that the "fad diet" effect, which many times ends in failure, can be avoided.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/444073

Weight Loss Motivation - Creating Weight Loss Success Stories Takes More Than Will Power

Weight loss motivation is the foundation of all weight loss success stories for women. Losing weight, and keeping it off, entails more than just following a diet. Making significant changes in your eating habits means giving up a lot of foods that may taste great, but have no nutritional value. Steeling yourself to the task of making healthy food selections to lose belly fat and thigh fat can only carry you so far. Weight loss motivation takes on different forms as you move to create a more positive lifestyle. I'll cover the stages that help you make sensible choices to stimulate healthy weight loss. 
Weight Loss Motivation - In the beginning...
Weight loss motivation seems effortless when you first start a program to get rid of belly fat. You have vivid visuals of how you want to look, you like to discuss your goals and receive supportive feedback, and you feel energized as the first several pounds come off easily.
This is a wave you want to ride to the formation of new eating habits... not crash and burn when you bump into a stubborn plateau. Weight loss success stories for women are filled with caution during these first 5-6 days. It is too easy to burnout after you come off this high. The main points of focus are:
  • Pick only one or two specific goals to work on. (Getting sugar foods out of your diet... start a moderate strength training program, etc.)
  • Do NOT jump into slashing calories by fifty percent, or going bananas with cardio.
  • Focus on gradual weight loss. 1-2 lbs. per week is fine...and it really adds up.
  • Understand that it took time to put on a few extra pounds, and it will take time to get them off.
  • Dieting is short-term and controlling. You are seeking to change your eating habits.
Weight Loss Motivation - When the going gets tough...
Appropriate motivation is critical when the newness of your new lifestyle starts to wear off and you can feel yourself being pulled back into your old destructive habits. Yes, will power will be a needed element in some cases, but you will be better off if you reframe situations and surround yourself with people who share your goals, or have reached the spot where you want to be.
First, start thinking like a slim person. Many overweight women daydream about how delicious and satisfying a rich, high-fat, high-carb snack will taste when they bite into it. A slim person, however, often has flashes of how bloated and heavy they will feel with the same snack just sitting in their stomach.
Second, educate yourself to eat consciously. Be keenly aware of what you are putting in your mouth at all times. Know what foods function to provide lasting energy and help increase your metabolism naturally...and what foods just taste delicious, but are easily converted into fat on your waist and hips. Congratulate yourself for not eating carelessly and mindlessly.
Third, making friends with slender, fit people who practice positive lifestyle habits has been demonstrated by research to help women write their own weight loss success story. In 2007, the New England Journal of Medicine published findings that weight gain can be contagious in tight social networks.
By no means does this mean to shun and completely disengage from overweight friends who do not share your fat loss goals, but expanding your support network to include new friends that are following the path you wish to stay on. Weight loss motivation can be extrinsic as well as intrinsic.
Fourth, know that losing weight is not linear...meaning that you may lose three pounds a week for a month when you start a new program of regular moderate exercise...then all of a sudden, only lose one. Instead of panicking, congratulate yourself and understand your body is adapting...new changes must be made. Do it gradually, there is no need for extreme weight loss of any fashion. Restrictive dieting, as opposed to making important and healthy lifestyle changes is a recipe for disaster. 
Weight Loss Motivation - Staying on the path...
Please know that weight loss success stories for women did not all run in straight line. There will be false starts and times when you give in to old habits that you sincerely wish to break. Be fair with yourself. Unless you are a machine, you will not eat perfectly all the time.
If you have been faithful in finding new ways to live healthy, seeking progressive weight loss, and adopting a lifelong eating plan...you have gotten to know yourself pretty well. You now have much more food awareness than you did 6-8 weeks ago, you have become much more the expert on YOU.
Be honest with some of the new friends you've made at the gym or in the park where you walk. Ask them how they overcame things.
Start learning all you can about "emotional eating" and how to combat it. Learn to eat when your body signals hunger, not when it signals stress. (Easier said than done, at first, but you can do it!)
Look back on where you started weeks ago and write down all of the positive changes in your lifestyle and eating plan that have now been almost fully integrated. Be sincerely thankful for what you have accomplished and know that you will continue to find even more healthy ways of eating and living.
Weight loss success stories for women are continually being written, and weight loss motivation is continually evolving for those who want to look better, feel better, and make lifelong changes in their eating habits. 
Creating a more healthy lifestyle and losing weight can be a challenge, but it is one you can certainly meet. Learn more about weight loss motivation by clicking here. Even more valuable information can be found at http://www.Weight-Loss-Success-Stories-Women.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6622369

Weight Loss Motivation

Motivation is the driving force that gives you the willpower to accomplish a particular task and finally become successful in the endeavor you undertake. The level of motivation may change each day depending on how you feel and view certain experiences.
It is the key factor to be successful in weight loss programs. Weight loss motivation is one of the toughest types of motivation to acquire. It drives you to stick to the low fat selections and recipes required to achieve your weight goal. Besides, it provides you the willpower to get up and exercise so as to reach your weight goal.
Weight loss motivation can produce remarkable results. You can produce greater achievements if the level of motivation is higher. In other words, the strength of the motivation determines how much you are successful in your weight loss effort.
You have to find your own motivation so as to become successful at weight loss maintenance. Nowadays, there are tips and tricks available through the Internet to assist you in finding and maintaining your motivation. Also, there are motivational weight loss quotes to help you motivate yourself.
To improve motivation, you have to develop a different mind set. Hypnosis or hypnotherapy is found effective in boosting motivation in some people. It helps people to gain control over their mind.
There are certain things to consider before you go into the depth of weight loss motivation. As a first step to weight loss motivation, prepare a list of things that you want to do after losing weight. Before getting motivated for weight loss, you should learn to accept yourself. Also, you should focus on your strengths (positives) rather than your weaknesses (negatives).
The next step, setting goals will help you to focus on what you aim to achieve. While setting goals, it is advisable to set easily reachable goals so as to create a habit of success in your mind. In short, a high level of weight loss motivation is needed for effective results rather than the actual weight loss and fitness programs.
Motivation [http://www.WetPluto.com/Daily-Motivation.html] provides detailed information on Motivation, Daily Motivation, Employee Motivation, Motivation Posters and more. Motivation is affiliated with Christian Motivational Speakers [http://www.WetPluto.com/A-Look-at-Christian-Motivational-Speakers.html].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/410697

Helpful Nutrition Weight Loss Tips

When you eat right, you feel energized and good about yourself. This is because you aren't carrying around unwanted fats and toxins in your body. When you eat real healthy, nutritious foods you are supplying your body with the vitamins and minerals it needs to stay healthy. So, what are these foods you should eat? The list is almost endless, so you'll never feel like you can't eat when you are on a health kick.
There are many nutrition weight loss tips out there, but you have to find the one that works best with your body type. Depending on your metabolism and genetics, you may not be able to eat the same foods as others can. Some people need to eat more protein than others and some people don't drink enough fluids. Everyday, you should try your hardest to eat 4 well balanced meals. These meals should contain fruits, vegetables, protein, grain and some fiber. Try to eat fiber in the morning because it will get your bowels moving and make you feel fuller, longer. When you feel full for long periods of time, you are less tempted to eat snacks throughout the day.
When you eat fruits and vegetables, not only are you lowering your calorie intake, you are giving your body the antioxidants it needs to fight off infections and decrease your risk of getting chronic health problems. When you eat healthy, not only are you creating a healthier body for yourself, you are losing weight. Choosing fruits and vegetables instead of greasy and fried foods is a very smart idea. You are giving your liver, kidneys and colon a break because you aren't putting a many poisons and toxins in your body.
Try eating eggs and a lean meat in the morning for breakfast. This will get you going and ready for the day. Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday because this will keep you hydrated as well as detox your body. It is okay to eat your favorite foods, just make sure you do it in moderation. Everyone needs a bowl of ice cream, but you shouldn't have it everyday. With all of this, make sure that you create a regular workout schedule with at least 3 days of cardio exercise.
Additionally, going to bed at a certain time each night and getting 6 to 8 hours of sleep is a must for giving your body time to relax and regenerate itself each 24 hours.
In summary, eat healthy, get exercise, use nutritional supplements and get plenty of sleep and you will see that you release those unwanted pounds.
If you want to learn more about the best nutritional weight loss program please click here http://www.healthandwealthsuccess.net

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7556312

Best Tanning Lotion: Discover What You Need To Know

By Haywood Hunter

Too many people, particularly those living in the Northern Hemisphere, it is important to achieve a healthy glow when vacationing. Though spray tans can work, they do not provide the same feeling and they are expensive and time consuming to maintain of course. However, when sunbathing properly, it is important to use the best tanning lotion.

The market is flooded with different products. This makes it is difficult for the consumer to choose the best tanning lotion to suit their requirements. Here are five tips that may help you choose an apt cream or spray for your skin type.

One of the most important aspects to look for is the Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) content. This is the ingredient which reacts with amino acids in the skin to create the tan. The higher the content therefore, the quicker the process will be.

Possibly the most important number given on these products is the Sun Protection Factor (SPF). As it suggests, this rates how protective a product is against the Ultraviolet (UVA and UVB) light which is given off by the sun. It is most important to have a higher number when first tanning, if partial to burning or skin irritation, and most certainly for the under 18s.

Many of the leading products will have a coloring agent in them. This is great for those who are interested in monitoring their progress and ideal for those at risk of burning. It helps the user check the development of the tan. However, these lotions are never clear once applied, so not everybody gets on with them.

Bronzing Agent: it is important to always check the ratio of bronzing agent before purchasing the application. This plays a vital role in achieving that beautiful sun kissed look. The higher the quantity of bronzing agent leads to deeper tanning.

As basking in the sun dries out the skin an awful lot, it is good to protect it from too much moisture loss. As such, products with skin conditioners in them are always good to use. Further than this too, using after sun treatments help to lock in color, soothe damaged skin and replenish essential moisture too.

Keeping these tips in mind will help you in selecting the best tanning lotion for your skin. Be ready for trial and error method, before you select one that works for you and remember that something which works wonders for your friend may not do the same for you.

About the Author:

Some Helpful Weight Loss Tips

If you are among those suffering from obesity and overweight, you need to take some serious actions to shed extra kilos. Because, being obese or overweight, you are inviting a number of diseases, including Type 2 Diabetes, Sleep Apnea, High Blood Pressure and Chest Pain. Over and above, obesity degrades your quality of life and gives birth to depression. Therefore, it is vital for you to lose weight and live a healthy life.
Losing weight looks easy, but it can turn out to be a difficult task as you have to refrain from your favorite food and include physical activities in your routine. Here are some useful medical weight loss tips:
• Avoid private or public transport for short distances: You do not need a car or bike to go to the closely located market, theater, eating joint, etc. Try going on foot; it will help you burn some calories and keep your body fit.
• Say no to snacks: Though you love snacks, you have to avoid their intake to make your weight loss goal achievable. French fries and all other deep fried items add to your body fat; therefore, it is better to stay away from them.
• Exercises: Exercise plays an important role in reducing weight and makes your body slim. You can also consider swimming, aerobics and crunches.
• Household chores: It is good to have a servant who washes clothes, do dishes and keeps your home neat and clean. But, it will be better if you do most of your household chores yourself as it can help you lose some kilos.
• Don't skip meals: It is a myth that low intake of food or skipping meals can burn calories. Since our body needs calories to burn calories, it is very important to eat right amount of healthy food after regular intervals of time.
• Drink sufficient amount of water: Water helps kidneys function properly, which helps in shedding calories.
• Start playing outdoor sports: Since outdoor sports are all about running and sweating, participating in one is a good way to lose weight naturally.
If you are not able to reduce or manage your weight even after following the above-mentioned tips, you can contact any of the reliable weight loss clinics. These clinics examine your body carefully and suggest a diet plan that is best and effective for you. They also suggest a few medicines and injections, so that you lose weight as soon as possible.
Gaurav Mahajan is a professional content writer and webmaster of California Medical Weight Management (CalMWM) reputed medical weight loss centers in California offers three-step (fast, safe and effective) weight loss programs for men & women. Free Consult with our physicians for personalized diet plan and healthy weight management.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7494167

Alternative Weight Loss Tips

So you want to take off 20 pounds quick, right? Well, you are not alone. Perhaps you have tried to do this on your own by starving yourself for a week or going on some fad diet. Sure, you'll take off 5 pounds right away, but then you find that you reach a plateau and cannot seem to lose the last 5 pounds. Half of the time, you end up gaining a few pounds back and feel more discouraged than ever.
Perhaps you have seen ads for "magic pills" that cost a fortune and promise to melt off your excess pounds without any effort on your part. Save you money. There is only one way to lose weight and keep it off and that is to cut your calorie intake and increase your level of activity. There is no "big secret" to losing weight, but you do have to have the mindset for it. In other words, your desire to lose weight has to be stronger than your desire to eat. With that mindset, you can do anything.
I never had a problem with my weight until I reached 40. At that time I found that I was packing on more weight than ever before. It was also at this time that I quit smoking. I found myself eating more and exercising less. Before I knew it, my clothes were really tight and I had gained an extra 20 pounds, seemingly overnight.
But I wasn't about to go buy new clothes. I had lost weight before. After I had my children I had some extra pounds to lose and took them off right away. So I figured it would be easy to just get rid of 20 extra pounds. So I started a diet and starved myself for a week. I did lose 5 pounds but that was it. I couldn't get the scale to budge after that. And then I came down with a cold.
I wasn't ready to give up. I tried several different methods to lose weight but nothing seemed to work. Then I talked to a friend who I consider to be a weight loss expert. My friend had lost 80 pounds. She confirmed that it takes a while to lose weight, that weight loss does not happen quickly and that it should take four months to lose 20 pounds. But then she let me in on a few secrets of how I can speed up the process and lose 20 pounds in three weeks.
Learn more secrets by clicking the link to Weight Loss Tips [http://www.clementweightlosstips.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7516539

Weight Loss Tips

We live in a nation of growing obesity. Statistics indicate that obesity has doubled since 1980. A 2008 report showed that 1.5 billion adults were clinically obese and over 45 million children were obese. There are complications connected to being obese. Approximately 3 million people die yearly from disease brought on or made worse from obesity. These diseases include diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

Practice Prevention: There are many things you can do to control your weight and prevent obesity. It is fundamentally a shift in how you think. You must realize that you have a great deal of power over your own health. Consider the fact that you in part, can control how you age and how you can maintain good health throughout your lifetime. Of course disease can occur to any of us. However you can greatly reduce your risks with a healthy lifestyle.
Physical Activity: Exercise is a very important part of any healthy lifestyle. Exercise will strengthen your body and you will begin to build muscle. Your metabolism will increase because muscle has a higher metabolic rate than fat. So add some strength training routines to your exercise program. You can incorporate 2-3 strength training routines weekly. Only 15-20 sessions can have a huge impact on your physical strength and health. You will begin burning fat and therefore lose weight.
Good Fats versus Bad Fats: There are healthy fats to add to your diet. These include omega fatty acids such as those found in fresh fish. Salmon is has one of the highest levels of good omega fatty acids. 2-3 servings weekly could be very healthy and helpful to your weight loss. Research has shown that monounsatured fats are very effective for weight loss. A good food to add to your diet is avocados. Although not the lowest in calories, avocadoes are extremely nutritious and high in monosaturated fats. Try adding some avocado to a salad or make a guacamole dip to eat with veggie sticks such as celery and carrots. Other healthy food choices for good fats include grass fed beef and extra virgin olive oil. Olive oil has numerous health benefits. It has been shown to increase the fat burning response in the body as well as lower inflammation levels.
Sugar: Sugar is something you definitely want to eliminate from your diet, particularly if you are trying to lose weight. When you consume too much sugar, this signals your body to use insulin to begin burning it off. As a result, your insulin will spike. Whatever isn't used will be converted by your body into fat. Try to limit your sugar intake to no more than 10 percent of your daily calorie intake. So for example if you consume 1500 calories daily, sugar should comprise only 150 of those calories. Always be on the lookout for hidden sources of sugar such as those found in soda and juices.
A Healthy Breakfast: When you are sleeping your metabolism goes into more of a resting state. This is referred to as "catabolism". In order to turn it on as efficiently as possible, you need to eat a good breakfast. Having a protein with breakfast is helpful along with whole grains. A good breakfast choice might be a veggie omelet with whole wheat bread. Or some oatmeal topped with fresh fruit and a protein bar. And remember to start the day with drinking some fresh pure water to hydrate your body.
Eating Styles: Eating smaller "mini meals" is a very effective way to help you lose weight. Eating your meals at consistent times is helpful. Eating every three hours during the day is a good way to keep your body consistently fueled with energy. This will also keep you from overeating. Many people overeat because they starve themselves all day and then they binge on a huge dinner. The whole key to keeping weight off is to keep your metabolic rate as high as you can. Skipping meals actually lowers your metabolism.
Reward System: Everyone once in a while you really need to just reward yourself. If you are too regimented in your eating habits and never allow yourself a little indulgence now and then, one of two things will happen. Either you will end up binging or you will quit and begin to go back to your old habits. It is well known that when you are too restrictive in your diet you will usually binge within a month and potentially gain even more weight.
Supportive Relationships: Being with like minded people who take care of themselves will really help you. If you are with peers who are overweight and have no motivation to get in shape you will probably do the same. We tend to mirror those we associate with. So if this is your situation, why not look to broaden your horizons and meet new and interesting people. You could join a gym, or a local meet up group that does walking, hiking, swimming, dance, etc. This will change your outlook on yourself. Before you know it, you will incorporate new and healthy habits into your own life and be on your way to successful weight loss.
Eliminate Junk Foods: Go through your kitchen and eliminate all of the unhealthy junk foods and processed foods you have around. You will benefit yourself and your family by doing so. If you have easy access to junk foods, the odds are you will eat it. Anytime you feel rushed or upset about something you will reach out to these types of foods. Focus instead on filling your pantry with healthy, wholesome foods. Keep snacks such as fresh fruit and no sugar yogurts in your home.
Water: Water is very important to your good health. You need to stay hydrated. If it is hard for you to drink water, add fresh lemon or lime. Try drinking 4 to 6 glasses per day of water. Drinking water is helpful to weight loss because it keeps you feeling full. An easy way to get your water intake is to bring a few bottles with you to work to have readily available to you. This will lessen the temptation to consume soda or fruit juices that are high in calories and filled with sugar. Remember, whenever beginning any dietary or lifestyle changes, always consult with a medical professional, particularly if you are taking prescription drugs or suffer from any disease or ailment.
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By Tina C. Loren

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6878596

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